Things to Consider Before Buying Kitchen Towels

Poor kitchen towels don’t soak up well, are not easy to clean, and often rip easily. And in the end, you have to again buy the set of new kitchen towels. Hence, to avoid the same mistake, it is necessary that you should perform some checks or research before buying kitchen towels. So here are the few things you need to consider before buying kitchen towels:


You want your kitchen towels to be highly absorbent and able to withstand repeated washings. Both these qualities depend on the material of the towel. Cotton is the most commonly used material for manufacturing kitchen towels. It is versatile, soft, and highly absorbent. The vast majority of kitchen towels in the market are comprised of cotton, although the stitching or weaving may differ. Towels with dense weaves tend to be more durable, last longer, and provide higher absorbency.

Linen is another material that is used for manufacturing decorative kitchen towels. Linen kitchen towels are thinner and less durable than cotton towels and are usually better off being used as decoration. You can’t use it for drying dishes and mopping up spills. They can rip and tear very easily and don’t have a great level of absorbency.

Microfiber kitchen towels are another option you have. They are made from tiny mini-fibers and used for lifting dirt and food off of surfaces. These towels are good for cleaning but more fragile and less durable when it comes to using them as a general kitchen towel. So, before buying kitchen towels, choose the material carefully depending on their purpose of use.


Once you have decided on the material for your kitchen towels, it is time to choose the right size of the towel. For general kitchen use, the bigger is better approach works great. With a giant unfolded kitchen towel you will be able to fold it into multiple layers and use it for different things. You can create multiple folds that you can turn over when cleaning surfaces, dishes, and knives. Larger kitchen towels also allow you to dry up more liquids and make it easy for you to do drying jobs. With big towels, you can easily handle more amounts of vegetables when you are trying to dry them in bigger quantities.


Another aspect of kitchen towels that matters a lot is the thickness of the towel. Thick towels are more absorbent, they last longer, withstand repeated washings, and do not rip and tear easily. Kitchen towels usually get washed a lot, so thinner towels are going to wear out much more quickly than thicker ones. More improperly, thin kitchen towels are not good at cleaning up messes and often end up moving the mess around rather than soaking it up.

So these are the three key things you need to consider before buying kitchen towels.

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